vineri, 18 martie 2011

Salata de vinete


1000 grame vinete coapte si tocate
2 linguri otet
10-14 linguri ulei de floarea soarelui
1/2 lingurite de sare,sau sare dupa gust

Mod de Preparare
Aveti aici un video in care prezint cum am facut eu practic aceasta reteta .Linkul - HapiHap.
Vinetele coapte se lasa la scurs pe un tocator de lemn -ca cel din video-(vinetele pe fund vor sta in pozitie înclinata si cu o tavita mica sub tocator pentru a se aduna lichidul care se scurge) pana se dezgheata si scurg bine-de seara pana dimineata. Se curata de cojile arse ramase. Se pun într-un robot de bucatarie, se sareaza, se pune otetul, se amesteca. Mai apoi se adauga uleiul dar treptat si se amesteca pana se face o pasta. Se orneaza cu imaginatie Pofta buna!
Baicu Nicolae Rareş 
Putin mai tarziu voi pune si poze voi traduce si in alta limba,dar pentru moment priviti video-ul.

vineri, 11 martie 2011

Gatirea moderna cu temperatura controlata

O noua idee ..sper utila. Vorbeam in postarile anterioare despre cat de important este sa nu fierbem legumele prea mult si la temperaturi prea ridicate, pentru a preveni distrugerea vitaminelor. Cu aceasta idee in minte si privind prin magazine la diverse seturi de oale, al caror capac este prevazut cu un termometru, m-am gandit cum as putea face ceva asemanator, estetic si mai ales ieftin? Asa mi-a venit idea sa folosesc un "termometru pentru carne" drept termometru pentru orice vas de bucatarie ...termometru care ne poate fii foarte util in gatirea de zi cu zi, asta daca ne intereseaza sa pastram cat mai multe vitamine. Spor la gatit !
En: A new idea .. I hope useful. In the previous post I talked about how important it is not to cook vegetables too long, and too high temperature, to prevent destruction of vitamins. With this idea in mind and looking through stores to different sets of pots, whose cover are equipped with a thermometer, I thought how I can do something similar, especially aesthetic and cheaper? So I got the idea to use a "meat thermometer" at any  kitchen pot ... it can be very useful in everyday cooking, that if we care to preserve as many vitamins. Cook well !

joi, 3 martie 2011

Fierberea legumelor in aburi fara costuri suplimentare!

Fierberea legumelor in aburi fara costuri suplimentare!
Legumele se pot fierbe in aburi in felul urmǎtor: punem intr-o oala cu apa sita de la friteusa in care facem cartofii prajiti ca in imaginea de mai sus (imaginea este pentru exemplificare). Apa din oala va ajunge pana in dreptul sitei, pe care asezam legumele curătate. Punem sare in apa, acoperim oala cu un capac si punem la fiert. Legumele fierb astfel fara a-si pierde săururile minerale.
Este bine sǎ fierbem legumele în aburi deoarece fierbîndu-le in apǎ pierd o mare parte din substanetele minerale ce le contin. Fierte în aburi, legumele sunt deci, mult mai hrǎnitoare. Tocmai de aceea m-am gandit sa va propun aceasta idee care mi-a venit zilele acestea. Sper ca sa va fie cat se poate de utila. Nu aruncati apa în care au fiert legumele, deoarece contine saruri nutritive, dar o puteti folosi la supe si la sosuri carora le dǎ gust si aroma.

sâmbătă, 26 februarie 2011

Supa crema de spanac

Supa crema de spanac-Spinach cream soup

Categories: Romanian Soups
Cuisine: Romanian, Eastern Europe
Preparation time: 10 minute(s)
Cooking time: 45 minute(s)
Yield: 8 servings

Ingrediente-Ingredients (U.S. units- metric units)


    Mod de preparare - Instructions



    Source: Rareş Baicu

    *Nutritional information reflects amount per serving

    Nutritional information


    • water: 89.1 g
    • energy: 101 kcal
    • protein: 3.8 g
    • fat: 4.7 g
    • ash: 2 g
    • carbohydrates: 13.2 g
    • dietary fiber: 4.6 g
    • sugar: 2.7 g
    • calcuim: 174 mg
    • iron: 8.2 mg
    • magnesium: 48.6 mg
    • phosphorus: 73 mg
    • potassium: 618.1 mg
    • sodium: 84.7 mg
    • zinc: 0.6 mg

    • copper: 0.1 mg
    • manganese: 1.1 mg
    • selenium: 4.2 μg
    • vitamin C: 22.7 mg
    • thiamin: 0.1 mg
    • riboflavin: 0.2 mg
    • niacin: 1.3 mg
    • pantothenic acid: 0.2 mg
    • vitamin B: 0.2 mg
    • folate: 61.8 μg
    • folic acid: 0 μg
    • food folate: 61.8 μg
    • folate (DFE): 61.8 μg
    • vitamin B12: 0 μg
    • vitamin A: 8,091.2 IU

    • vitamin A (RAE): 432.7 μg
    • retinol: 33.9 μg
    • vitamin E: 1.6 g
    • vitamin K: 204.1 μg
    • alpha-carotene: 976.5 μg
    • beta-carotene: 4,275.9 μg
    • beta-cryptoxanthin: 33.5 μg
    • lycopene: 30 μg
    • lutein+zeazanthin: 3,679.7 μg
    • saturated fat: 2.7 g
    • monounsaturated fat: 1.3 g
    • polyunsaturated fat: 0.3 g
    • cholesterol: 10.3 mg

    chef amateur,différentes catégories de cuisine,entre,petit dejeuner,salade,soupe,temps de préparation,temps de cuisson,l'information nutritionnelle,entre,breakfast,salad,soup,preparation time,cooking time,preparation methods,nutritional information,amateur chef,recipes,recettes,aperitive,mic dejun,salate,supe,timpul de preparare,timpul de gatire, mod de preparare,informatii nutritionale,bucatar amator,cuisine,cooking,gourmet,recipe,recipes,shopping list,diet helper, preparation methods,diffrent dishes

    joi, 24 februarie 2011


    Dragobete is a traditional Romanian holiday, celebrated on February 24. Dragobete was the son of Baba Dochia.
    The day is known as "the day when the birds are betrothed". It is around this time that the birds begin to build their nests and mate. On this day, considered locally the first day of spring, boys and girls gather vernal flowers and sing together. Maidens used to collect the snow that still lies on the ground in many villages and then melt it, using the water in magic potions throughout the rest of the year. Those who take part in Dragobete customs are supposed to be protected from illness, especially fevers, for the rest of the year. If the weather allows, girls and boys pick snowdrops or other early spring plants for the person they are courting. In Romania, Dragobete is known as a day for lovers, rather like Valentine's Day.
    It is a common belief in some parts of Romania that, during this celebration, if you step over your partner's foot, you will have the dominant role in your relationship. Dragobete customs vary from region to region.
    In neighbouring Bulgaria, the custom of stepping over one's partner's feet traditionally takes place during weddings, and with the same purpose, but it is not believed to be connected to Dragobete. (source: Wikipedia)

    marți, 15 februarie 2011

    Friganele de paine

    Friganele de paine
     Tip of the day : DE: Für die Vernichtung von Mikroben und Krankheitserreger Eingeweidewürmer, wie einige Lebensmittel Schweinefleisch oder Fisch müssen thermische Verarbeitung verlängert. FR: Pour la destruction des microbes pathogènes et les vers intestinaux, tels que certains aliments de porc ou de poisson, ont besoin d'un traitement thermique prolongé.

    Yield: 2 servings
    Cooking time:
    1/2 hour
    : Romanian Desserts-
    5 minutes
    Romanian, Eastern Europe
    Rareş Baicu

    Ingredients (metric units * U.S. units )




    *Nutritional information reflects amount per serving.*

    CALORIES 315
    TOTAL FAT (g) 6
    Saturated Fat (g) 1
    CHOLESTEROL (mg) 6
    SODIUM (mg) 544
    Dietary Fiber (g) 2
    Sugars (g) 13
    PROTEIN (g) 14

    Properties-Reperes nutritionnels

    joi, 10 februarie 2011

    Supa de pui limpede

    Supa de pui limpede
    Clear chicken soup
    Soupe au poulet Clear
    Klare Hühnersuppe 
    Borrar la sopa de pollo  
    Yield: 6 portii; portions;
    Cooking time : 2 ore-hours-stunde
    Preparation time:1 ora-hour-stunde
    Categoria: Romanian Soups
    Cuisine: Romanian,
    Eastern Europe
    Source: Rareş Baicu- Gastronomie Roumaine

    (metric units * U.S. units




    Nutritional information-detail

    *Informaţii nutriţionale pe cantitatea servita. (Nutritional information reflects amount per serving).
    *Procentul dozei zilnice recomandate in functie de un consum de 2000de calorii pe zi (Percentage of recommended daily value based on 2000 calories per day).

    Nutritional Information

    Nutritional information reflects amount per serving.

    Calorii-Calories     174 kcal

    Grasimi totale-Total Fat (g) 7...........................10%
    Grasimi saturate-Saturated Fat(g) 2....................10%
    Cholesterol (mg) 39............................................12%
    Sodiu(mg) 485.....................................................20%
    Total Carbohydrate(g) 14....................................4%
    Fibre-Dietary Fiber (g) 3......................................12%
    Sugars-Zucker (g) 4
    Proteine-Protein (g) 11......................................22%

    luni, 31 ianuarie 2011

    Chiftelute din branza proaspata din lapte pasteurizat de vaca si rulata manual-Le Roulé Garlic & Herbs Rians patties-Cheese balls of "Le Roulé Garlic & Herbs" from Rians

    Chiftelute din branza
    branza proaspata din lapte pasteurizat de vaca si rulata manual Rians-Le Roulé Garlic & Herbs Rians patties-Cheese balls of "Le Roulé Garlic & Herbs" from Rians

    Preparation time: 1:30
    Categories: Aperitiv,Starters,Entre
    Authors: Baicu Nicolae Rares
    Yield: 4 servings



    • 65 grams potatoes
    • 30 grams white
    • 1 egg
    • 15 grams sugar (or 3 teaspoons Sugars, granulated)
    • 150 grams Le Roule a l'Ail et aux Fines Herbes



    Categories: Entree, Eastern Europe

    RO : Se cur‎ăță cartofii se taie sferturi şi se pun la fiert. După
    ce au fiert se scurg de apă şi se pisează cu o furculiță. Se
    amestecă piureul de cartofi cu brânza încorporând făina, oul şi
    zahărul. Compoziția nu trebuie sa fie nici prea moale dar nici prea
    tare, dacă este nevoie sa mai adaugă puțină făină sau cartof. Se
    pudrează mâinile cu făină, se ia cu o linguriță din amestec și
    se formează chifteluțe astfel încât chifteluțele sa fie acoperite
    cu făină. Le prăjim uniform în ulei încins la foc mediu având
    grijă să nu se prindă. Pofta buna!‭

    FR: Pommes de terre de nettoyage du fil, les couper en quartiers
    et faire bouillir. Après avoir des pommes de terre de vidange de l'eau
    bouillie et écraser les pommes de terre avec une fourchette. Mélanger
    la purée de pommes de terre avec de la farine fromage incorporant,
    l'œuf et sucre. Composition ne doit être ni trop mou ni trop dur, si nécessaire,
    ajouter un peu de farine ou de pommes de terre. Vous poudre les mains
    avec de la farine, vous prenez une cuillerée du mélange et formera les
    boules dans les mains, afin de billes à couvert boulettes de viande avec de la
    farine.  Les faire frire dans l'huile chaude de façon uniforme sur feu
    moyen.Veillez à ne pas s'en tenir à les boulettes de viande à la poêle. Bon appétit! ‭

    EN : Thread cleaning potatoes, cut into quarters and boil. After
    having potatoes boiled water them drain and crush the potatoes with a
    fork. Mix mashed potatoes with cheese, incorporating flour, egg and
    sugar. Composition should be neither too soft nor too
    hard, if needed, add a little flour or potato. You'll
    powdered your hands with flour, you'll take a spoon of the mixture and
    will form the balls in your hands, so the balls will be covered
    with flour. Fry them in hot oil evenly.
    Be careful not to stick the meatballs to pan fry. Good appetite! ‭

    Source: Rareş Baicu

    Nutritional information- detail

    • water: 49.2 g
    • energy: 104.1 kcal
    • protein: 6.7 g
    • fat: 2.5 g
    • ash: 0.8 g
    • carbohydrates: 13.4 g
    • dietary fiber: 0.6 g
    • sugar: 4.1 g
    • calcuim: 29.6 mg
    • iron: 0.4 mg
    • magnesium: 8.2 mg
    • phosphorus: 81.4 mg
    • potassium: 118.2 mg
    • sodium: 163.6 mg
    • zinc: 0.3 mg

    • copper: 0 mg
    • manganese: 0.1 mg
    • selenium: 8.4 μg
    • vitamin C: 3.2 mg
    • thiamin: 0 mg
    • riboflavin: 0.1 mg
    • niacin: 0.3 mg
    • pantothenic acid: 0.3 mg
    • vitamin B: 0.1 mg
    • folate: 12.6 μg
    • folic acid: 0 μg
    • food folate: 12.6 μg
    • folate (DFE): 12.6 μg
    • vitamin B12: 0.3 μg
    • vitamin A: 98.4 IU

    • vitamin A (RAE): 27.1 μg
    • retinol: 26.7 μg
    • vitamin E: 0.1 g
    • vitamin K: 0.5 μg
    • alpha-carotene: 0 μg
    • beta-carotene: 5.4 μg
    • beta-cryptoxanthin: 0.7 μg
    • lycopene: 0 μg
    • lutein+zeazanthin: 27.8 μg
    • saturated fat: 1.3 g
    • monounsaturated fat: 0.8 g
    • polyunsaturated fat: 0.2 g
    • cholesterol: 37.7 mg

    Nutritional information

    Amount per serving

    CALORIES 104 kcal
    TOTAL FAT (g) 2...................................3%
    Saturated Fat (g) 1.................................4%
    CHOLESTEROL (mg) 52......................17%
    SODIUM (mg) 153..................................6%
    TOTAL CARBOHYDRATE (g) 13...........4%
    Dietary Fiber (g) 0.................................1%
    Sugars (g) 4
    PROTEIN (g) 6.....................................13%

    % Daily Value -Percentage of recommended daily value based on 2000
    calories per day.
    *Nutritional information reflects amount per serving.

    duminică, 30 ianuarie 2011

    Despre acest Blog! A propos de ce blog! About this Blog! Gastronomie,cuisine, arta culinara

    In cadrul acestui blog voi incerca sa prezint diverse categorii de preparate (aperitive, mic dejun, salate, supe...etc.), timpul de preparare,timpul de gatire, instructiuni, mod de preparare,
    informatii gastronomice, obiceiuri si arta culinara, informatii nutritionale, diverse feluri de mancare. Este conceput pentru a raspunde la cele mai diferite provocari, pe care eu, ca si bucatar amator, le-am intampinat zilnic in realizarea diferitelor retete.
    Ce blog présente les différentes catégories de cuisine (entre, petit dejeuner, salade, soupe, etc ....), le temps de préparation, le temps de cuisson, l'enseignement et l'information nutritionnelle. Il est conçu pour répondre aux différents défis, dont je, en tant que chef d'amateur, je rencontrées quotidiennement dans l'exercice de différentes recettes.
    This blog shows various categories of cuisine (entre, breakfast, salad, soup, etc ....), preparation time, cooking time, instruction,preparation methods, and nutritional information. It is designed to respond to the different challenges, which I, as an amateur chef,  encountered daily in carrying out different recipes.