Supa crema de spanac-Spinach cream soup | |||||
Categories: Romanian Soups Cuisine: Romanian, Eastern Europe Preparation time: 10 minute(s) Cooking time: 45 minute(s) Yield: 8 servings | |||||
Ingrediente-Ingredients (U.S. units- metric units) | |||||
Mod de preparare - InstructionsSource: Rareş Baicu *Nutritional information reflects amount per serving | |||||
Nutritional information
| |||||
Sfatul zilei-Tip of the Day: RO: Nu este bine sa fierbem in coaja cartofii care inmuguresc primavara,deoarece in acea perioada coaja cartofilor contine o substanta daunatoare sanatatii numita SOLANINA. En: It is not advisable to boil the potatoes with peel in spring, because at that time peel potatoes contain a harmful substance called SOLANINA.
sâmbătă, 26 februarie 2011
Supa crema de spanac
joi, 24 februarie 2011
Dragobete is a traditional Romanian holiday, celebrated on February 24. Dragobete was the son of Baba Dochia.
The day is known as "the day when the birds are betrothed". It is around this time that the birds begin to build their nests and mate. On this day, considered locally the first day of spring, boys and girls gather vernal flowers and sing together. Maidens used to collect the snow that still lies on the ground in many villages and then melt it, using the water in magic potions throughout the rest of the year. Those who take part in Dragobete customs are supposed to be protected from illness, especially fevers, for the rest of the year. If the weather allows, girls and boys pick snowdrops or other early spring plants for the person they are courting. In Romania, Dragobete is known as a day for lovers, rather like Valentine's Day.
It is a common belief in some parts of Romania that, during this celebration, if you step over your partner's foot, you will have the dominant role in your relationship. Dragobete customs vary from region to region.
In neighbouring Bulgaria, the custom of stepping over one's partner's feet traditionally takes place during weddings, and with the same purpose, but it is not believed to be connected to Dragobete. (source: Wikipedia)
The day is known as "the day when the birds are betrothed". It is around this time that the birds begin to build their nests and mate. On this day, considered locally the first day of spring, boys and girls gather vernal flowers and sing together. Maidens used to collect the snow that still lies on the ground in many villages and then melt it, using the water in magic potions throughout the rest of the year. Those who take part in Dragobete customs are supposed to be protected from illness, especially fevers, for the rest of the year. If the weather allows, girls and boys pick snowdrops or other early spring plants for the person they are courting. In Romania, Dragobete is known as a day for lovers, rather like Valentine's Day.
It is a common belief in some parts of Romania that, during this celebration, if you step over your partner's foot, you will have the dominant role in your relationship. Dragobete customs vary from region to region.
In neighbouring Bulgaria, the custom of stepping over one's partner's feet traditionally takes place during weddings, and with the same purpose, but it is not believed to be connected to Dragobete. (source: Wikipedia)
vineri, 18 februarie 2011
marți, 15 februarie 2011
Friganele de paine
Friganele de paine | ||||||
Tip of the day : DE: Für die Vernichtung von Mikroben und Krankheitserreger Eingeweidewürmer, wie einige Lebensmittel Schweinefleisch oder Fisch müssen thermische Verarbeitung verlängert. FR: Pour la destruction des microbes pathogènes et les vers intestinaux, tels que certains aliments de porc ou de poisson, ont besoin d'un traitement thermique prolongé. | ||||||
Yield: 2 servings Cooking time: 1/2 hour Categories: Romanian Desserts- Preparation time: 5 minutes Cuisine: Romanian, Eastern Europe Source: Rareş Baicu | ||||||
Ingredients (metric units * U.S. units ) | ||||||
Instructions-Instructiuni*Nutritional information reflects amount per serving.* CALORIES 315 TOTAL FAT (g) 6 Saturated Fat (g) 1 CHOLESTEROL (mg) 6 SODIUM (mg) 544 TOTAL CARBOHYDRATE (g) 50 Dietary Fiber (g) 2 Sugars (g) 13 PROTEIN (g) 14 | ||||||
Properties-Reperes nutritionnels |
joi, 10 februarie 2011
Supa de pui limpede
Supa de pui limpede
Clear chicken soup
Soupe au poulet Clear
Klare Hühnersuppe
Borrar la sopa de pollo
Clear chicken soup
Soupe au poulet Clear
Klare Hühnersuppe
Borrar la sopa de pollo
Yield: 6 portii; portions;
Cooking time : 2 ore-hours-stunde
Preparation time:1 ora-hour-stunde
Categoria: Romanian Soups
Cuisine: Romanian,
Eastern Europe
Eastern Europe
Source: Rareş Baicu- Gastronomie Roumaine
Nutritional information-detail
*Informaţii nutriţionale pe cantitatea servita. (Nutritional information reflects amount per serving).*Procentul dozei zilnice recomandate in functie de un consum de 2000de calorii pe zi (Percentage of recommended daily value based on 2000 calories per day).
Nutritional Information
Nutritional information reflects amount per serving.Calorii-Calories 174 kcal
Grasimi totale-Total Fat (g) 7...........................10%
Grasimi saturate-Saturated Fat(g) 2....................10%
Cholesterol (mg) 39............................................12%
Sodiu(mg) 485.....................................................20%
Total Carbohydrate(g) 14....................................4%
Fibre-Dietary Fiber (g) 3......................................12%
Sugars-Zucker (g) 4
Proteine-Protein (g) 11......................................22%
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